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It's satisfying and fun to play, I really like those fluid animations and effects. Breakout is a simple but effective type of game, it's good to try different versions. But, I don't know if this happens in other versions but it's tedious when there are few bars left and you spend some time waiting for the ball to touch those bars. Also, the solid block levels are the ones I liked the least, because they consist of getting the ball into a place and watching the screen for a while until the ball comes back, it's not fun. But it's still a well made and fun game, just flawed in my opinion but not bad at all.

(1 edit)

I'm glad you liked it! This is the first real game I made, and you can probably see that in the level design. If I ever make an updated version, I will take this feedback into effect. :)


Pretty good! Plays smoothly, feels responsive, looks good, sound is nice as well. I only think the bounces are a bit 'off'. I'd expect the ball to change the direction (180 degrees) when it hits on the side of the paddle and I expect the angle to get steeper when a bit from the side. 

I have included a how-to on angle adjustment, as I forgot to add it. See above in the controls section.


Adding it to the docs is always a good idea indeed. I did notice I could influence the angle by moving the paddle before already. However, it is different from what I'm used to with these breakout type of games, I would expect the place where the ball hits the paddle also influences the angle. However, it's your choice of course, just wanted to give you that feedback :)


I would change it, but I've hit the max token limit, and adding a new feature would be difficult. Thank you for the feedback!